About us

Pneus SNP holds the prestigious certification of Auto Value

The strength of Auto Value stands in its national network which allows it to recruit the best mechanics and offer the most competitive prices on the market to its customers under its banner. Therefore, we undertake the commitment to you, dear customers, to minimally respect these conditions:

  • - Acknowledge and answer to your needs regarding automobile for each customer.
  • - Provide to each customer a cost estimate for the needed diagnosed repairs.
  • - Make sure that the customer authorizes all the works before their implementation.
  • - Use only quality part and proven supplies.
  • - Inform the customer if an appointment must be postponed or if the work will not be finished in due time.
  • - Give a detailed invoice.
  • - Give back the replaced parts for an inspection by the customer, if asked before implementation of the service.
  • - Use only procedures of repair and guidelines recognized by the industry.
  • - Recommend repairs aiming at the improvement, when problems are diagnosed.
  • - Recommend the preventive maintenance.
  • - Supply information about the guarantee on parts and workforce.
  • - Make the repair works with the biggest possible attention.
  • - Employ and train the most qualified available technicians.
  • - Exercise a reasonable attention on the properties of the customer in our ownership.
  • - Solve the problems of the customers in a just and fair way.
